Welcome to the Karumba State School Website. Karumba State School is a small remote school situated on the Gulf Of Carpentaria, that caters for the educational needs of students from Prep to year 6. Karumba Township has a stable population of around 600 residents that swells into the thousands during its peak tourist season. Our community members have roots in all walks of life, with most working in the fishing, tourism, and cattle industries.
The current staffing allocations at Karumba State School include a teaching Principal, a full time teacher, teacher aide, and cleaner/ grounds person.
Karumba State School is a member of the RREAP cluster of schools and enjoys the many sporting, cultural and academic opportunities that being part of a cluster encapsulates, including participation in the annual Croydon Touch Football Carnival, the Festival of Sport held in Karumba, and the cluster Athletics Carnival held in Normanton.
The school has developed, and is continually enhancing, its partnerships with the Karumba community, Karumba Port Authority, and various small businesses in the Carpentaria Shire. These relationships enhance the cultural, human, and financial resources of our school.